The World Health Organization predicts that this year cancer will surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death across the globe. At MD Anderson, we’re determined to stop that trend.
Our mission is to eliminate the threat of cancer worldwide. We’ve organized institutes of excellence that bring together researchers and clinicians from different disciplines and diverse backgrounds to focus on questions such as: How do we produce vaccines that can prevent cancer? How do we detect cancer earlier? How do we jumpstart the body’s immune system to destroy tumors?
At MD Anderson, we’re finding the answers and bringing them to the bedside where they can benefit patients as quickly as possible. Funding from the National Cancer Institute and other governmental sources provides only a fraction of the dollars we need to fuel this effort. That’s why philanthropy is so important. MD Anderson’s $1 billion campaign is destined to transform the way we detect, treat and even prevent cancer. We’re already at more than 75 percent of our goal, thanks to the generosity and commitment of people who share our vision and our mission. Thank you for supporting Making Cancer History®: The Campaign to Transform Cancer Care.