Summer 2013
Promise is published three times a year by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and is dedicated to our friends who have joined us in Making Cancer History®.

Lyda Hill commits $50 million to Moon Shots Program
Cancer Prevention Center to be named in honor of Dallas philanthropist
A word from the president
How team science aims to beat cancer
Donor commitments to unprecedented assault on cancer surpass $100 million
e-Health is no longer a wave of the future - it's our reality
Offering hope for a noninvasive cure
Tom Bates is co-owner of Glendarroch Homes. A graduate of Texas Christian University, he lives with his wife and four children in Fort Worth.
Ashley Loeffler, of Houston, is chair of MD Anderson's Advance Team, a volunteer leadership board of "next generation" community and business leaders. She's worked in the office of Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Sen. Jeffrey Wentworth, in the development office at The University of Texas at Austin and as campaign finance director of Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. She and her husband Lance have three children.
Martin High School contributes to first pediatric colon cancer clinical trial
The Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation celebrates a decade of funding brain cancer research
IBC survivor dedicated to fighting rare form of breast cancer
Polo events prove effective fundraisers in fight against cancer
Screening, education offer hope for colorectal cancer
Colleen Villamin claims 2013 Ethel Fleming Arceneaux Award
Scurlock Foundation continues tradition of making a difference
Septembeard urges men to 'be a hero' in fight against prostate cancer
MD Anderson delivers anti-smoking message to students
The MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital's newly renovated and expanded floor space brings together all pediatric treatment and services on one floor along with Ronald McDonald Family Room areas, an in-hospital school, a large play park, a kitchen, a teen room and other amenities.
MD Anderson team member, physician-scientist David Piwnica-Worms, M.D., Ph.D., has assumed two leadership posts at MD Anderson: chair of Cancer Systems Imaging and deputy division head, research affairs, for Diagnostic Imaging.
Helen Piwnica-Worms, Ph.D., has joined MD Anderson as vice provost to lead science research at the institution.
MD Anderson welcomed Ethan Dmitrovsky, M.D., in July as new provost and executive vice president.
Medal of honor goes to pioneer and leader in cancer metastasis
John Mendelsohn, M.D., director of MD Anderson's Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Institute for Personalized Cancer Therapy and former MD Anderson president, has been elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Study moves researchers closer to personalized cancer treatment
Prevents tumor suppressors in cells from maturing
Latest results confirm high rate of response, remission
Findings disappoint brain cancer experts seeking effective therapy
Previous Issues
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Promise Fall 2021
Walmart's support of Boot Walk benefits medical students

Summer 2021
Patient Mosaic: New pathway to precision medicine

Spring 2021
Bridge funding supports researchers amid COVID-19

Winter 2021
Companies support Blood Bank during COVID-19

Fall 2020
12-year-old osteosarcoma patient supports cancer research, spreads hope

Summer 2020
Saluting the heroes of COVID-19

Spring 2020
Rogers Award honors MD Anderson nursing assistant

Fall 2019
Fun for all at Camp H-Town

Summer 2019
MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital holds Prom Party Palooza

Spring 2019
Sarah Jessica Parker shoe sale benefits prostate cancer research

Winter 2019
MD Anderson, Houston Dynamo team up to end cancer

Fall 2018
Newsmakers: Jim Allison wins Nobel Prize

Summer 2018
MD Anderson's happy campers

Spring 2018
On course with the PGA TOUR

Winter 2018
MD Anderson's Moon Shots Program turns 5

Fall 2017
Planned Giving

Summer 2017
MD Anderson Cancer Center names 2017 Sabin Family Fellows

Spring 2017
Cancer prevention efforts in full swing

Winter 2017
e-Philanthropy program raises support for patients with just a few clicks

Fall 2016
MD Anderson Cancer Center’s 75th Anniversary Celebration

Summer 2016
A win-win-win situation

Spring 2016
Until 20

Winter 2016
Global ambassadors with a collective goal

Fall 2015
25 Years of Cheer

Summer 2015
PUTTing an end to cancer

Spring 2015
A good day in cancer land

Winter 2015
Stripes aligns with MD Anderson

Fall 2014

Summer 2014
Fueled by philanthropy

Spring 2014
The power of giving

Winter 2014
Washington, D.C. event honors James A. Baker, III

Fall 2013
Pedaling for a cure

Spring 2013
A bright future for philanthropy

Fall 2012
The time is now

Summer 2012
A leap into the future with telemedicine

Spring 2012
An infinite desire to help

Fall 2011
Data Deluge

Summer 2011
Taking a bite out of cancer: Crave Cupcakes partners with Arts in Medicine program

Spring 2011
A Global Force Against Cancer: MD Anderson Once Again Ranked No. 1

Fall 2010
Measuring Value

Summer 2010
Among Friends: Lanie Rose

Spring 2010
Making Cancer History®:

Fall 2009
Practicing the Art of the Possible

Summer 2009
Polo on the Prairie Brings World-Class Polo to West Texas

Spring 2009
The BATTLE Toward Personalized Lung Cancer Therapy