New BOV officers, associate members
Since 1957, the MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors has served as an appointive group of volunteer advisers who help the Development Office raise funds, awareness and support for the institution.
As of Sept. 1, the BOV welcomes a new slate of officers and 16 new associate members from across the country.
Chair: Harry J. Longwell, Dallas
Chair Elect: Melvyn N. Klein, Corpus Christi
Vice Chair: James J. Mulva, Houston
Immediate Past Chair: Nancy B. Loeffler, San Antonio
New Associate Members:
Mark Albers: The Woodlands, Texas
Cindy Citrone: Southport, Conn.
Lily Garfield: Aspen, Colo.
Marie Goradia, Ph.D. : The Woodlands, Texas
Katherine C. Hatcher: Houston
T. Mark Kelly: Houston
Pierre F. Lapeyre Jr.: New York
Karen R. Matthews: Dallas
Howard M. Meyers: Dallas
Denise Monteleone: Houston
William C. Montgomery: Houston
Joseph Neubauer: Philadelphia, Penn.
Melinda Hill Perrin: Houston
John Shields II: Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.
Charles W. Stiefel: Raleigh, N.C.
Michel H. Williams: Bloomfield, Mich.