Functional Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) Core
- Research Resources
- Core Facilities and Services
- Functional Proteomics RPPA Core Facility
The Functional Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) Core provides investigators with a powerful, high throughput, quantitative, cost-effective technology for functional proteomics studies. We provide centralized, standardized and quality-controlled service to investigators throughout MD Anderson and around the world. The RPPA Core has served several national consortia including TCGA, CCLE and ICBP. Learn more.
Getting Started
- Contact us at ccsgrppa@mdanderson.org or 713-792-5743 for any questions regarding experimental requirements.
Fill out an iLab service request at https://mdanderson.ilabsolutions.com.
The RPPA Core will review the request, and once all information in iLab is correct and complete, will approve the request and provide further instructions for sample submission.
The Functional Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) Core provides high quality, data rich results for both tumor tissue and cultured cells. RPPA characterizes expression levels of basal and modified proteins as well as growth factor‐ or ligand‐induced effects and time‐resolved responses appropriate for systems biology analyses. RPPA provides information to integrate the consequence of genetic aberrations in cancer, validate therapeutic targets, demonstrate on‐ and off‐target activity of drugs, and evaluate drug pharmacodynamics.
The RPPA Core is supported by NCI Grant # CA016672 and Dr. Yiling Lu’s NIH R50 Grant # R50CA221675: Functional Proteomics by Reverse Phase Protein Array in Cancer. If your publication uses data generated by the RPPA Core, please cite these grants in the acknowledgment section. Thank you!
Please use the following text in publications: "The Functional Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array Core was supported in part by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, P30CA016672, and R50CA221675."
Phone: 713-792-5743 or 832-750-0145
Email: ccsgrppa@mdanderson.org
Facility Location
6565 MD Anderson Blvd., Room Z4.2040
Houston, Texas 77030
200K Celebration
The RPPA Core recently celebrated its milestone of processing over 200,000 samples.
New Feature
The Cancer Proteome Atlas (TCPA) interactive site for
exploring, analyzing, and visualizing RPPA data is fully functional.