Advanced Spatial Genomics Core
Nicholas Navin, Ph.D.
- Research Resources
- Core Facilities and Services
- Advanced Spatial Genomics Core
The CPRIT Advanced Spatial Genomics (ASG) core was established to provide spatial transcriptomics and genomics to cancer researchers at MD Anderson, the Texas Medical Center and the greater state of Texas. The core is directed by Dr. Nicholas Navin and managed by Tuan Tran. This facility provides comprehensive services and expertise for tissue processing, slide imaging, spatial genomics technologies and spatial data analysis methods.
Getting Started
For new projects or questions regarding the ASG core services, please contact
Tuan Tran (TMTran2@mdanderson.org) or Nicholas Navin (nnavin@mdanderson.org).
The CPRIT ASG core will have a broad impact on many diverse areas of cancer research. Many cancer researchers that have previously utilized single cell genomic methods in their work are now seeking spatial genomic technologies to validate their findings in situ and further understand cellular neighborhoods, spatial organizations and cell-cell interactions. These technologies are important for understanding the progression of premalignant diseases, and the transition to invasive disease. Common themes among our user group include premalignant to invasive disease progression, immunology and immunotherapy, metastatic dissemination, therapeutic resistance, clonal evolution of cancer cells, and understanding reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment. Moreover, SG technologies hold immense potential for clinical translation and enhancing traditional pathology, by providing whole-genome and transcriptomic measurements of cells and tissue regions that can be used to predict patient outcome, improve diagnostics and enhance treatment decision-making. The ASG core will accelerate these translational applications by bringing these technologies to both the research scientists and physician-scientists working on clinical studies.
The ASG Core is funded by a 3M grant from CPRIT (RP240497) and through institutional funding from MD Anderson.
Please use the following text in publications: "The ASG core is funded in part by CPRIT grant RP240497."
Advanced Spatial Genomics Core
Zayed Z10.420
Open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sample Drop Off
Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tuan Tran
Email: TMTran2@mdanderson.org
Nicholas Navin
Email: nnavin@mdanderson.org
Services Available
The ASG core is open for business and accepting samples to run on the services listed in our website.