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Postdoc Wanted!
A postdoctoral fellow position is available for highly motivated candidates with a background in cancer research, molecular/cellular biology, immunology, or tumor microenvironment study.
Projects will focus on functional genomics of prostate cancer, with special interest in understanding crosstalk between cancer cells and immune components in the tumor microenvironment and metastatic niche. Combining state-of-the-art mouse modeling systems and single-cell multi-omics, we aim to 1) characterize the genetic determinants that drive prostate cancer development, metastatic progression, and therapy resistance; 2) determine the impact of the prostate cancer genome on the tumor immune microenvironment; and 3) develop biomarker-driven immunotherapies and combinatorial strategies for personalized cancer care.
A Ph.D. degree in Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, or equivalent is required. Applicants with a good publication record and relevant research experience with oncogenic signaling, tumor microenvironment, immunology, or computational biology are preferred. We highly value hard work, curiosity, innovation, teamwork, and professional development in combination with a healthy work/life balance. The salary will be based on the NIH postdoc salary scale, and candidates should expect to join the lab in 2024.
Please send a curriculum vitae, a cover letter stating research interests and career goals, and names and contact information for three references to Dr. Di Zhao.
2023 Zhao Lab Team