Selected Publications
Ozpolat BD, Arur S*, Srivastava M. A case for broadening our view of mechanism in developmental biology. Development, 152(2): dev204605 PMID: 39817401
Baek H, Das D, Chen SY, Li H and Arur S. ERK activation dynamics in maturing oocyte controls embryonic nuclear divisions in Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell Reports. January 9
Ortega J, Wahba L, Seeman J, Chen SY, Fire AZ and Arur S. Pachytene piRNAs control discrete meiotic events during spermatogenesis and restrict gene expression in space and time. Science Advances, PMID: 39356768
Rogers CD, Amemiya C, Arur S, Babonis L, Barresi M, Bartlett M, Behringer R, Benham-Pyle B, Bergmann D, Blackman B, Brown CT, Browne B, Camacho J, Chabu CY, Chow I, Cleaver O, Cool J, Dennis MY, Dickinson AJ, Di Talia S, Frank M, Gillmor S, Haag ES, Hariharan I, Harland R, Husbands A, Jerome-Majewska L, Koenig K, Labonne C, Layden M, Lowe C, Mani M, Martik M, McKown K, Moens C, Mosimann C, Onyenedum J, Reed R, Rivera A, Rokhsar D, Royer L, Rutaganira F, Shahan R, Sinha N, Swalla B, Van Norman JM, Wagner DE, Wikramanayake A, Zebell S, Brady SM. Pluripotency of a founding field: rebranding developmental biology. Development. PMID: 38345109
Reyes-Castro R, Chen SY, Seemann J, Kundu ST, Gibbons D, Arur S. Phosphorylated nuclear DICER1 promotes open chromatin state and lineage plasticity of AT2 tumor cells in lung adenocarcinomas. Science Advances: PMID: 37494452
Trimmer KA, Zhao P, Seemann J, Chen SY, Mondal S, Ben-Yakar A and Arur S. Spatial single-cell sequencing of meiosis I arrested oocytes indicates acquisition of maternal transcripts from the soma. Cell Reports, PMID: 37227820
Furuta, T, Arur S. sart-3 functions to regulate germline sex determination in C. elegans. microPublication Biology. PMCID: 10189541
Reyes-Castro R, Chen SY, Seemann J, Arur S. ERK-dependent DICER1 phosphorylation promotes open chromatin state and lineage plasticity to mediate tumor progression. bioRxiv 2022.11.01.514714; doi:
Das D, Arur S. Regulation of oocyte maturation: Role for ERK Signaling. Molecular Reproduction and Development, PMID: 35908193
Vellano CP, White MG, Andrews MC, Chelvanambi M, Witt RG, Daniele JR, Titus M, McQuade JL, Conforti F, Burton EM, Lastrapes MJ, Ologun G, Cogdill AP, Morad G, Prieto P, Lazar AJ, Chu Y, Han G, Khan MAW, Helmink B, Davies MA, Amaria RN, Kovacs JJ, Woodman SE, Patel S, Hwu P, Peoples M, Lee JE, Cooper ZA, Zhu H, Gao G, Banerjee H, Lau M, Gershenwald JE, Lucci A, Keung EZ, Ross MI, Pala L, Pagan E, Segura RL, Liu Q, Borthwick MS, Lau E, Yates MS, Westin SN, Wani K, Tetzlaff MT, Haydu LE, Mahendra M, Ma X, Logothetis C, Kulstad Z, Johnson S, Hudgens CW, Feng N, Federico L, Long GV, Futreal PA, Arur S, Tawbi HA, Moran AE, Wang L, Heffernan TP, Marszalek JR, Wargo JA. Androgen receptor blockade promotes response to BRAF/MEK-targeted therapy. Nature. PMID: 35705814
Haversat J, Woglar A, Klatt K, Akerib CC, Roberts V, Chen SY, Arur S, Villeneuve AM and Kim Y. Robust designation of meiotic crossover sites by CDK-2 through phosphorylation of the MutSγ complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci. PMID: 35576467
Williams MK, Arur S. In preprints: buckling under pressure during gastrulation. Development. PMID: 35535741
Barish B, Senturk M, Schoch K, Minogue AL, Lopergolo D, Fallerini , Harland J, Seemann JH, Stong N, Kranz PG, Kansagra S, Mikati MA, Jasien J, El-Dairi M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Galluzzi P, Ariani F, Renieri A, Mari F, Wangler MF, Arur S, Jiang YH, Yamamoto S, Shashi S, Bellen HJ. The microRNA processor DROSHA is a candidate gene for a severe progressive neurological disorder. Hum Mol Genet 31(17): 2934–2950. PMID: 35405010
Das D, Trivedi S, Blazickova J, Arur S, Silva N. Phosphorylation of HORMA-domain protein HTP-3 at Serine 285 is dispensable for crossover formation. G3 (Bethesda) PMID: 35389463
Das D, Seeman J, Greenstein DI, Schedl T and Arur S*. Reevaluation of the role of LIP-1 as an ERK/MPK-1 dual specificity phosphatase in C. elegans germline. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PMCID: PMC8784128
Arur S, Briscoe J, Helariutta Y, Lecuit T and Roberstson L. Imaging development, stem cells and regeneration. Development, doi: 10.1242/dev.200137 PMID: 34596665
Trimmer KA and Arur S. CRISPR-edit point mutant allele detection (CEPAD)-PCR method for rapid screening of CRISPR edited point mutations. microPublication Biology PMCID: PMC7937030
An interview with Swathi Arur by Alex Eve, Development, 148, dev199366. doi:10.1242/dev.199366
Das D, Chen SY and Arur S*. ERK phosphorylates chromosomal axis component HORMA domain protein HTP-1 to regulate oocyte numbers. Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 44, eabc5580. PMCID: PMC7608811
Minogue AL, Arur S*. In Situ Hybridization for Detecting Mature MicroRNAs In Vivo at Single-Cell Resolution. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. e93 Vol. 127. PMCID: PMC6597187
Aryal NK, Pant V, Wasylishen AR, Rimel B, Baseler L, El-Naggar AK, Mutch DG, Goodfellow PJ, Arur S*, Lozano G*. Dicer1 phospho-mimetic promotes tumor progression and dissemination. Cancer Res. PMCID: PMC6522273 *Co-Corresponding Authors
Aryal NK, Pant V, Wasylishen AR, Parker-Thornburg J, Baseler L, El-Naggar AK, Liu B, Kalia A, Lozano G*, Arur S*. Constitutive Dicer1 phosphorylation accelerates metabolism and aging in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. PMCID: PMC6338878 *Co-Corresponding Authors
Minogue AL, Tackett MR, Atabaksh E, Tejada G and Arur S. Functional genomic analysis identifies miRNA repertoire regulating C. elegans oocyte development. Nature Communications (9): 5318.
Furuta T, Arur S. GFP::PCN-1 does not reliably mark S phase in C. elegans adult germline progenitor zone cells. microPublication Biology.
Furuta T, Joo HJ, Trimmer KA, Chen SY, Arur S. GSK-3 promotes S-phase entry and progression in C. elegans germline stem cells to maintain tissue output. Development. 14;145(10). PMCID: PMC6001380
Das D, Arur S. Conserved insulin signaling in the regulation of oocyte growth,development, and maturation. Mol Reprod Dev. Review. PMCID:
Burton NO, Furuta T, Webster AK, Kaplan RE, Baugh LR, Arur S, Horvitz HR. Insulin-like signalling to the maternal germline controls progeny response to osmotic stress. Nat Cell Biol. 19 (3):252-257. PMCID: PMC5332277
Chen JJ, Arur S. Discovering Functional ERK Substrates Regulating Caenorhabditis elegans Germline Development. Methods Mol Biol. 1487:317-335. PMCID: PMC5429971
Gervaise AL, Arur S. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Active ERK in the C. elegans Germline. J Vis Exp. (117). PMCID: PMC5226324.
Snee MJ, Wilson WC, Zhu Y, Chen SY, Wilson BA, Kseib C, O'Neal J, Mahajan N, Tomasson MH, Arur S*, Skeath JB. Collaborative Control of Cell Cycle Progression by the RNA Exonuclease Dis3 and Ras Is Conserved Across Species. Genetics. 203(2):749-62. PMCID: PMC4896191. *Co-Corresponding Author
McCallum KC, Liu B, Fierro-González JC, Swoboda P, Arur S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Garsin DA. TRX-1 Regulates SKN-1 Nuclear Localization Cell Non-autonomously in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics. 203(1):387-402. PMCID: PMC4858787
Mattingly, HH, Chen, J, Arur, S*, Shvartsman, SY. A Transport Model for Estimating the Time Course of ERK Activation in the C. elegans Germline. Biophysical Journal. 109(11):2436-45. *corresponding author PMCID: PMC4675862
Arur, S. Context-dependent regulation of Dicer activity and small RNA production: implications to oocyte and embryo transition. Worm, 4(4). PMCID: PMC4826148
Drake, M, Furuta T, Suen KM, Gonzalez G, Liu B, Kalia A, Ladbury JE, Fire AZ, Skeath JB, Arur S. A Requirement for ERK-Dependent Dicer Phosphorylation in Coordinating Oocyte-to-Embryo Transition in C. elegans. Dev Cell. 31(5):614-28. PMCID: PMC4261158.
Arur S, Tim S. Generation and purification of highly specific antibodies for detecting post-translationally modified proteins in vivo. Nature Protocols. 9(2):375-95. PMCID: PMC4124490
Lopez AL 3rd, Chen J, Joo HJ, Drake M, Shidate M, Kseib C, Arur S. DAF-2 and ERK Couple Nutrient Availability to Meiotic Progression during Caenorhabditis elegans Oogenesis. Dev Cell. 27(2):227-40. PMCID: PMC3829605
Berkseth M, Ikegami K, Arur S, Lieb JD, Zarkower D. TRA-1 ChIP-seq reveals regulators of sexual differentiation and multilevel feedback in nematode sex determination. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110(40):16033-16038. PMCID: PMC3791753
Suen KM, Lin CC, George R, Melo FA, Biggs ER, Ahmed Z, Drake MN, Arur S, Arold ST, Ladbury JE. Interaction with Shc prevents aberrant Erk activation in the absence of extracellular stimuli. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 20(5):620-7. PMCID: PMC4059177
Putty K, Marcus SA, Mittl PR, Bogadi LE, Hunter AM, Arur S, Berg DE, Sethu P, Kalia A. Robustness of Helicobacter pylori infection conferred by context-variable redundancy among cysteine-rich paralogs. PLoS One. 8(3):e59560. PMCID: PMC3608669
Yokoo R, Zawadzki KA, Nabeshima K, Drake M, Arur S, Villeneuve AM. COSA-1 reveals robust homeostasis and separable licensing and reinforcement steps governing meiotic crossovers. Cell. 149(1):75-87. PMCID: PMC3339199
Arur S, Ohmachi M, Berkseth M, Nayak S, Hansen D, Zarkower D, Schedl T. MPK-1 ERK controls membrane organization in C. elegans oogenesis via a sex-determination module. Dev Cell. 20(5):677-88. PMCID: PMC3098718
Green RA, Kao HL, Audhya A, Arur S, Mayers JR, Fridolfsson HN, Schulman M, Schloissnig S, Niessen S, Laband K, Wang S, Starr DA, Hyman AA, Schedl T, Desai A, Piano F, Gunsalus KC, Oegema K. A high-resolution C. elegans essential gene network based on phenotypic profiling of a complex tissue. Cell. 145(3):470-82. PMCID: PMC3086541