Advanced Technology Genomics Core
- Research Resources
- Core Facilities and Services
- Advanced Technology Genomics Core (ATGC)
The Advanced Technology Genomics Core (ATGC) is the primary, "one-stop" genomics core facility for researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Its goal is to use state-of-the-art instrumentation and innovative technical expertise in order to provide investigators with the highest quality genomic data from a comprehensive range of genomic services in a timely manner. Such a centralized facility minimizes duplication of expensive equipment and facilitates continued technical excellence. Learn more about ATGC.
The ATGC provides investigators with sequencing, microarray and a variety of cutting-edge molecular services.
Getting Started
The Advanced Technology Genomics Core (ATGC) website is frequently updated with the most current information about each service offered. See the services pages to determine which service you need. There are instructions for getting started with each service.
Not sure which service you need? Contact Erika Thompson, ejthomps@mdanderson.org, to request a consultation meeting.
The ATGC is the primary 'one stop' genomics core facility for research at MD Anderson Cancer Center. As such, the facility provides essential genomic analysis services to support cancer center members in basic science, translational, and population-based research programs. The ATGC uses state-of-the-art instrumentation and innovative technical expertise to provide investigators with the highest quality genomic data from a comprehensive range of genomic services in a timely manner. The core supports more than 225 MD Anderson PIs from all 16 CCSG programs, utilizing 243 grants.
Please use the following text when acknowledging the core: "The Advanced Technology Genomics Core was supported in part by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and P30CA016672."
Note: Publications generated using NovaSeq6000 data should also cite the NIH 1S10OD024977-01 award to the ATGC.
Go to the Acknowledgment page to see guidelines on whether the efforts of core personnel merit authorship.
To find the contact for a specific service you are using, see the contact page.
Technical Contact:
Erika Thompson
Associate Director
(T) 713-834-6381
Billing Contact:
Sybil Varghese
Sr. Financial Analyst, MBA
(T) 713-834-6383
Bioinformatician Contact:
Xiaoping Su, Ph.D.
(T) 713-792-5508