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- Hematopathology
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Faculty & Staff
Hesham M. Amin, M.D., M.Sc.
Interests: Hematopathology
Y5.6075 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-794-1769, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: hamin@mdanderson.org
Carlos Bueso-Ramos, M.D., Ph.D.
Interests: Hematopathology - diagnostic hematopathology, immunopathology, molecular pathology. Leukemias - myelodysplasia, lymphomas
R4.2130b (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-6328, Fax: 713-794-1800
Email: cbuesora@mdanderson.org
Richard J. Ford, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor
Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Joint Appointment)
Interests: Diagnostic, immunophenotypic and molecular characterization of human B cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas (NHL-B); development and utilization of new immunologic and molecular tumor markers for the diagnosis of NHL-B
B4.4830 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-6837, Fax: 713-794-1838
Email: rford@mdanderson.org
Shimin Hu, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Genetic basis of myeloproliferative neoplasms, myeloma and lymphoma
Y5.6024 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-2978, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: shu1@mdanderson.org
Yang O. Huh, M.D.
Interests: Hematopathology and immunology; minimal residual disease monitoring by flow cytometry in acute leukemia; adhesion molecules in leukemia and lymphoma
R4.2130d (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-7262, Fax: 713-794-1800
Email: yhuh@mdanderson.org
Julian Iorgulescu, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Hematopathology
Tel: (713) 745-2560
Email: jbiorgulescu@mdanderson.org
Jeffrey L. Jorgensen, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor & Section Chief, Flow
Interests: Hematopathology and flow cytometry
R4.2128a (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-8648, Fax: 713-794-1800
Email: jljorgen@mdanderson.org
Rashmi Kanagal-Shamanna, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome, molecular pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms
R4.2130a (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-4947, Fax: 713-794-1800
Email: rkanagal@mdanderson.org
Vasiliki Leventaki, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Hematopathology
Email: vleventaki@mdanderson.org
Shaoying Li, M.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Hematopathology
Y4.5351b (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-2601, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: sli6@mdanderson.org
Pei Lin, M.D.
Professor & Section Chief, Myeloma
Interests: Hematopathology
Y4.5351a (Unit 089)
Tel: 713-794-1746, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: peilin@mdanderson.org
Sanam Loghavi, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms. Investigating the genetic basis of hematologic malignancies. Minimal residual disease detection using flow cytometry and molecular methods
Y4.5351c (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-0243, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: sloghavi@mdanderson.org
Rajyalakshmi Luthra, Ph.D.
Professor and Technical/Scientific Director, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
Interests: Molecular pathology of lymphoma and solid tumors
Z3.5038 (Unit 1062)
Tel: 713-794-5443, Fax: 832-750-0248
Email: rluthra@mdanderson.org
John T. Manning, Jr., M.D.
Clinical Specialist
Interests: Pathology of lymphoma and related disorders
B4.4511k (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-5447, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: jmanning@mdanderson.org
Timothy J. McDonnell, M.D., Ph.D.
Interests: Pathobiology of hematologic malignancies, mechanisms of tumor progression and therapeutic resistance
Y5.6006a (Unit 089)
Tel: 713-792-0706, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: tmcdonne@mdanderson.org
Jeffrey Medeiros, M.D.
Professor & Chairman, Department of Hematopathology
Interests: Diagnosis of hematologic neoplasms, both leukemias and lymphomas, and the use of molecular methods to improve classification, define new clinicopathologic entities and better predict patient prognosis
R4.2113a (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-794-5446, Fax: 713-745-0736
Email: ljmedeiros@mdanderson.org
Roberto N. Miranda, M.D.
Interests: Hematopathologist dedicated to the diagnosis of leukemias and lymphomas. Research interests are the clinical and pathologic features of T-cell lymphomas, with a focus in breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma: Diagnosis, pathogenesis and clinical outcomes
R4.2128c (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-2535, Fax: 713-794-1800
Email: roberto.miranda@mdanderson.org
Tariq Muzzafar, M.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Myeloproliferative neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndrome, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
Y4.5305c (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-563-3058, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: tmuzzafar@mdanderson.org
Chi Young Ok, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Molecular biology of hematologic malignancies and to identify diagnostic, predictive and prognostic biomarkers in hematologic malignancies
Y5.6032 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-7030, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: cok@mdanderson.org
Keyur P. Patel, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Hematopathology, molecular genetic pathology, characterizing the role of microRNA in hematologic malignancies, development of novel molecular oncology tests
Z3.5043 (Unit 1062)
Tel: 713-563-6780, Fax: 832-750-0248
Email: kppatel@mdanderson.org
James M. Reuben, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Interests: Hematopathology
Y7.5605 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-3559, Fax: 713-792-4296
Email: jreuben@mdanderson.org
Mark J. Routbort, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Director Computational & Integrational Pathology
Interests: Bioinformatics and hematopathology
Z3.5048 (Unit 1062)
Tel: 713-563-4521, Fax: 832-750-0248
Email: mark.routbort@mdanderson.org
Ellen Schlette, M.D.
Interests: Hematopathology
Y4.5305f (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-2793, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: eschlett@mdanderson.org
Guilin Tang, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Hematopathology and cytogenetics
Y4.5305e (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-5870, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: gtang@mdanderson.org
Zhenya Tang, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Clinical cytogenetics, clinical molecular genetics, and hematopathology
B8.4525 (Unit 350)
Tel: 713-563-4369, Fax: 713-745-3215
Email: ztang@mdanderson.org
Beenu Thakral, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Diagnostic hematopathology, flow cytometry and minimal residual disease in leukemias
R4.2115d (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-563-1719, Fax: 713-792-4821
Email: bthakral@mdanderson.org
Gokce A. Toruner, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Cytogenetics
B8.4525 (Unit 0350)
Tel: 713-792-4780, Fax: 713-745-3215
Email: gatoruner@mdanderson.org
Sa A. Wang, M.D.
Professor & Section Chief, Flow
Interests: Hematopathology
Y4.5305b (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-792-2603, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: swang5@mdanderson.org
Wei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Interests: Dysregulation of iron metabolism in AML and MDS. The role of cytogenetic abnormalities in AML, MDS and MPN
Y5.6028 (Unit 072)
Tel: 832-750-1589, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: wwang13@mdanderson.org
Jie Xu, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Director of Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Interests: Diagnostic and prognostic markers, and potential therapeutic targets of hematologic neoplasms
Y4.5305g (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-794-1220, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: jxu9@mdanderson.org
C. Cameron Yin, M.D., Ph.D.
Interests: Hematopathology and molecular genetic pathology
Y4.5305d (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-6134, Fax: 713-563-3166
Email: cyin@mdanderson.org
M. James You, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor & Deputy Chair, Department of Hematopathology
Interests: Hematopathology - diagnostic hematopathology (morphology, IHCs and flow cytometry), molecular basis and biomarkers of hematologic malignancies, genetic cancer modeling and translational cancer medicine
Y5.6083 (Unit 072)
Tel: 713-745-1657, Fax: 713-792-7273
Email: mjamesyou@mdanderson.org
Zhuang Zuo, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Interests: Hematopathology, molecular diagnostics and bioinformatics
Z3.5036 (Unit 1062)
Tel: 713-794-4780, Fax: 832-750-0248
Email: zzuo@mdanderson.org
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