Survivors Say
Angel "Angie" Jimenez, 82, is the founder and former owner of Mclean Cargo Specialists, an international freight forwarding and export packer. An active community volunteer, he served as the Rotary Club of Houston's president in 2012-2013, the organization's centennial year. Jimenez came to MD Anderson as a prostate cancer patient seven years ago and later was treated for bladder cancer. He's proud that, with the help of "MD Anderson's great Urology team," he's a two-time survivor.
I’m a member of the Rotary Club of Houston, and every other week we have a special party for families and patients who reside at the Jesse H. Jones Rotary House International*. Every time I go, I pick up the microphone and announce to everybody that I’m twice a cancer survivor and that MD Anderson is my home away from home.
I try very hard to visit with all the people reunited there. I’m happy to explain how hard MD Anderson doctors and staff work, and how dedicated they are to all patients regardless of economic or social status.
I emigrated from Argentina to the United States in 1955, and I came to Houston in 1965. It was my lucky time to do that — if not, I might not know about MD Anderson, and it’s almost certain that I wouldn’t be here to write about it.
Today I feel great, better than ever. Thanks to God and MD Anderson, I’m planning my 100th birthday!
*Editor’s note: The Jesse H. Jones Rotary House International is a full-service hotel, owned by MD Anderson and managed by Marriott International, dedicated to serving the needs of MD Anderson patients and their families while in Houston.
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