Mission accomplished: NASA doctor receives personalized leukemia treatment

Fall 2015
The Fall 2015 issue of Conquest features stories about MD Anderson’s six newest moon shots, a virus that attacks and kills brain tumors, the challenges survivors face after cancer treatment ends, patients who travel to MD Anderson from afar, and much more.

Unleashing the cold virus to kill cancer
MD Anderson researchers are turning the common cold virus into a cancer-seeking missile that attacks brain tumors
Immunotherapy trailblazer Jim Allison wins Lasker award
For his groundbreaking work in immunotherapy, Jim Allison, Ph.D., chair of Immunology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, was awarded the nation’s highest honor for clinical medical research.
MD Anderson has appointed former U.S. Public Health Service four-star Admiral Joxel Garcia, M.D., as the inaugural executive director of the cancer prevention and control platform, part of MD Anderson’s Moon Shots Program.
People who have cancer that spreads to the brain from other sites in the body may soon undergo a change in medical care.
MD Anderson has had the highest number of Specialized Programs of Research Excellence in the nation with its eight programs.
MD Anderson’s tobacco treatment program is helping smokers beat the physical and psychological aspects of addiction
Last year, patients traveled from more than 100 countries, 228 Texas counties, 49 states, Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands for the very best in cancer care.
Surgeon scientists are testing unconventional therapies in the operating room
Moon shots mission escalates to confront six more cancer types
MD Anderson’s Moon Shots Program has expanded its targets, adding some of the most intractable cancers to its campaign to more rapidly convert scientific discoveries into life-saving advances.
If you think cancer ends with surviving, think again
The veteran volunteer
For 40 years, Jan Wallace has been fighting cancer through her service to MD Anderson’s patients
A program helps patients move beyond cancer by connecting them with educational and career counseling.
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Summer 2019
Dense breasts and cancer risk: What women need to know

Fall 2018
Celebrating a breakthrough discovery

Summer 2018
Leaving pain behind and looking ahead to life

Spring 2018
The p53 pioneer

Fall 2017
The hospital's heroes

Summer 2017
A growing area of study

Spring 2017
A dogged pursuit

Fall 2016
Big data, big results

Summer 2016
Building on success

Spring 2016
Family planning

Summer 2015
Empowered Prevention

Spring 2015
No patient left behind

Fall 2014
The cancer vaccine

Summer 2014
The game changer

Spring 2014
Plans to knock out tobacco

Fall 2013
Looking beyond the cancer cell

Summer 2013
A magnificent seven

Spring 2013
Moon shots program update

Fall 2012
MD Anderson's Moon Shots Program

Summer 2012
Where change begins

Spring 2012
The Pilots of the OR

Fall 2011
Changing the Stories We Tell

Summer 2011
Through Whirlwind and Calm

Spring 2011
Lungs That Function Not Taken for Granted

Fall 2010
Branching Out to Conquer Cancer

Summer 2010

Spring 2010