A Conversation With a Living Legend®
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Past Events
North Texas
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Dallas
1990: Nolan Ryan/Chip Moody
Chair: Lyda Hill
1991: Tom Landry/Chip Moody
Chair: Lyda Hill
1992: Walter Cronkite/Chip Moody
Chair: Marty Leonard
1993: Arnold Palmer/Chip Moody
Chair: Peggy Sewell
1994: Margaret Thatcher/Chip Moody
Chair: Charles Simmons
1995: Barbara Bush/Chip Moody
Chair: Sally Berry
1996: Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf/Chip Moody
Chair: Wade T. Nowlin Sr.
1997: Henry Kissinger, Ph.D./Chip Moody
Chair: Jan Pickens
1998: Gen. Colin Powell/Bob Schieffer
Chair: Kit Moncrief
1999: President George H.W. Bush/Jamie Gangel
Chair: Robert Nichols
2000: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger/Sam Donaldson
Chair: Elaine Agather
2001: Van Cliburn/Sam Donaldson
Chairs: Sally and Forrest Hoglund
2002: Lance Armstrong/Scott Murray
Chair: Jody Grant
2003: Cal Ripken Jr./Paula Zahn
Chair: Stacie McDavid
2004: Jack Nicklaus/David Feherty
Chair: Lamar Norsworthy III
2005: The Hon. James A. Baker, III/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Lana and Barry Andrews
2006: Mayor Rudolphy W. Giuliani/Bob Schieffer
Chair: Robert Nichols
2007: Carol Burnett/Deborah Norville
Chair: Barbara Thomas Lemmon
2008: T. Boone Pickens/Evan Smith
Chairs: Lana and Barry Andrews
2009: Laura Bush/Cokie Roberts
Chair: Allie Beth Allman
2010: Bob Schieffer/Tom Brokaw
Chair: Gale Sliger
2011: Sir Richard Branson/Miles O'Brien
Chairs: Stephanie and Hunter Hunt
2012: The Right Hon. Tony Blair/Greta Van Susteren
Chair: Amanda Bush
2013: President George W. Bush/Tom Johnson
Chair: Leo F. Corrigan III
2014: Ben Crenshaw/David Feherty
Chair: Deborah Gunter
2015: Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D./Norah O'Donnell
Chair: Ashley Scott Rankin
2016: Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D./The Hon. Jeanne L. Phillips
Chairs: Beverly and Robert Nichols
2017: Santiago Calatrava, Ph.D./Judy Woodruff
Chair: Su-Su Meyer
2018: Jordan Spieth/Tony Romo
Chair: Wade T. Nowlin Jr.
2019: Clayton Kershaw/Bob Schieffer
Chair: Mary Martha Pickens
2020: Admiral William H. McRaven/Bob Schieffer
Chair: Cathy Allday
2021: Jerry Jones
Chair: Pat Morgan McEvoy
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Houston
2007: Sherry Lansing/Sam Donaldson
Chairs: Patsy and Greg Fourticq, Barbara and Charles Hurwitz, Joan Schnitzer Levy
2008: Mary Matalin and James Carville/Sam Donaldson
Chairs: Elyse and Bob Lanier, Courtney and Christopher Sarofim
2009: Hank Aaron/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Ginger and Jack Blanton, Kelli and Eddy Blanton, Leslie and Jack Blanton Jr.
2010: Jack Nicklaus/Jim Nantz
Chairs: Katie and Harry Cullen Jr., Rose and Harry Cullen Sr., Kathy and Jody McCord
2011: Katie Couric/Sanjay Gupta, M.D.
Chairs: Sheridan and John Eddie Williams
2013: Emmitt Smith/Randy McIlvoy
Chairs: Vicky and Harris Pappas
2014: Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D./Brit Hume
Chairs: Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
2015: Bob McNair/Tom Brokaw
Chairs: Kelli Kickerillo and Todd Forester
2017: Rich Kinder/Janet Shamlian
Chairs: Ellie and Michael Francisco, Denise Monteleone
2018: Rex Tillerson/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Kathy and Jeff Love
2019: Jim Crane/Jimmy Roberts
Chairs: Maureen and Jim Hackett
2021: Robin Roberts/Ernie Johnson Jr.
Leadership Committee comprised of past Living Legend Chairs from Houston and San Antonio
2022: Dusty Baker
Event Chair: Don Sinclair, T. Mark Kelly and Bob Gwin
Honorary Chairs: Billye Aaron, Whitney and Jim Crane and Maureen and Jim Hackett
2024: Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert
Chairs: Margot Athon, Kelli Blanton, Maya Fleyhan, Vanessa Gilmore, Amy Lee, Ashley Loeffler, Sonny Messiah-Jiles, Delia Stroud
Honorary Chairs: Patsy Fourticq, Barbara Hurwitz, Joan Weingarten Schnitzer, Cyvia Wolff
San Antonio
A Conversation With a Living Legend® San Antonio
2010: Vicente Fox/Tom Johnson
Chairs: Kim and Clyde Johnson, IV and Paula and Clyde Johnson III
2011: Cokie Roberts and Sam Donaldson/Tom Johnson
Chairs: Kim and Clyde Johnson, IV and Paula and Clyde Johnson III
2012: President George W. Bush/Tom Johnson
Chairs: Kim and Clyde Johnson, IV and Paula and Clyde Johnson III
2013: David Robinson/Sean Elliott
Chairs: Kim and Clyde Johnson, IV and Paula and Clyde Johnson III
2014: Mack Brown and R.C. Slocum/Tom Johnson
Chairs: Sonya Medina Williams and Gene Williams
2015: Emmitt Smith/Sean Elliott
Chairs: Sonya Medina Williams and Gene Williams
2016: Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D./Tom Johnson
Chairs: Claire and John Alexander and John and Marsha Shields
2017: UT System Chancellor Bill McRaven/Chris Wallace
Chairs: Bill and Kathy Johnson and John and Marsha Shields
2018: The Hon. James A. Baker, III/Tom Johnson
Chairs: Jordan and Brian Arriaga, Mary and Bob Worth, Clint and Jessica Worth
2019: Rex Tillerson/Judy Woodruff
Chairs: Barbara and Alan Dreeben, Paige and Marc Sachs, Lisa and Kelly Sechler and Allison and Josh Zeller
2021: Robin Roberts/Ernie Johnson Jr.
Leadership Committee comprised of past Living Legend Chairs from Houston and San Antonio
Washington, D.C.
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Washington, D.C.
1994: Sissy Spacek/Bob Schieffer
Chair: Beth and Wayne Gibbens
1998: Harry Belafonte/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Beth and Wayne Gibbens
2007: Tom Hanks on behalf of Charlie Wilson/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Beth and Wayne Gibbens, Janice and George Kettle, Nancy Loeffler, Donna and Mack. McLarty
2013: The Hon. James A. Baker, III/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Beth and Wayne Gibbens, Edwina and Tom Johnson
2015: President Bill Clinton and Gen. Colin Powell/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Diane and Paul Begala, Beth and Wayne Gibbens, Edwina and Tom Johnson, Marlene and Fred Malek, Donna and Mack McLarty
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Atlanta
2010: Sen. Sam Nunn/Bob Schieffer
Chairs: Edwina and Tom Johnson
Las Vegas
A Conversation With a Living Legend® Las Vegas
2011: Franco Harris/Larry King
Chairs: Rosey and Ray Park
For more information about A Conversation With a Living Legend®, contact Mary Prator at MDPrator@mdanderson.org.
request an appointment online.
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