Very few people will be diagnosed with renal medullary carcinoma this year. But of those who are, about 60% will be young Black men who carry the sickle cell trait, an inherited mutation that can change the shape of red blood cells. About 60-70% of those individuals will also have a history of high-intensity exercise.
Why is renal medullary carcinoma more common in young athletic Black men? How do you know if you carry the blood...
Lynch syndrome is a genetic condition that makes some people more likely to develop certain cancers.
Carriers have a much...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. So, you may be wondering how to avoid breast cancer.
While there is no guaranteed...
Getting a full-body scan to check yourself out for possible cancers might sound like a great idea. But what are the risks and benefits? And what does a full-body scan entail? Should you get one?
We consulted Melissa Chen, M.D., a neuroradiologist specializing in diagnosing brain tumors and head and neck cancers.
What is a full-body scan?Generally, it’s a scan taken of the entire body with either an MRI or a CT machine...
Desmoid tumors are slow-growing, locally invasive tumors that develop in the body’s connective tissues. Also known as aggressive fibromatosis...
A family history of cancer could put you at higher risk of developing that disease one day. Depending on what type of cancer is involved,...
A breast cancer diagnosis is not the end of the world, though it can certainly feel like it at the time. And I know, because I’ve been there...
Cervical cancer can be detected with a Pap test. Breast cancer can be detected with mammograms and clinical breast exams. But ovarian cancer...
Bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain are three of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. They’re also some of the easiest to overlook...
Gardner syndrome is a rare, inherited condition where people develop hundreds and sometimes thousands of abnormal growths in their large and...