4 questions with immunology researcher Susan Bullman
Susan Bullman, Ph.D., has studied bacteria and how it contributes to cancer for decades. Her research led her from her home in Ireland and eventually to MD Anderson and the James P. Allison Institute, where she serves as an associate member.
We asked Bullman four questions about her research and her career. Here’s what she had to say.
How did you get your start as a cancer researcher?During my graduate studies in Ireland...

Committed to making cervical cancer screening easier
When it comes to eliminating cervical cancer, prevention and screening are vital. Behavioral science and cancer researcher Jane Montealegre...
Finding hope for cancer patients in ferroptosis research
Guang Lei, M.D., Ph.D., spends his days in a lab studying ferroptosis, a type of programmed cell death.
But it’s not a love of science...
Gastrointestinal medical oncologist and researcher driven to help patients live longer
Van Morris, M.D., is driven to offer more to patients.
“I am reminded every day about the opportunities for improving treatments for our patients with cancers in the GI tract,” says Morris, a gastrointestinal medical oncologist and clinician scientist. “This fuels my passion to use research to do more to help our patients and their families, and to help patients everywhere live longer.”
Throughout his career, Morris has...

Using multi-omics to advance ovarian cancer treatment
Every day on her way to her lab, Sammy Ferri-Borgogno, Ph.D., passed through the oncology waiting room. Seeing the faces, observing the interactions...
Pancreatic cancer survivor finds hope in cancer research
Helene Andrews-Polymenis finds hope in cancer research.
Like many cancer survivors, she often feels some anxiety when she thinks about...
5 ways MD Anderson is researching the link between food and cancer
The relationship between what we eat and drink and our cancer risk is complex. It’s been the subject of research for decades.
How four cancer researchers got their start and what motivates them
At MD Anderson, our care teams work hand in hand with scientists who bring the best treatments available today to our clinics while dreaming...
Meeting with a research nurse during a clinical trial: What to know
Enrolling in a clinical trial is one way to access cancer treatment that may not yet be broadly available while helping future cancer patients...
From trainee to faculty: For leukemia specialist and researcher, all roads lead back to MD Anderson
On a Saturday in late February, Hussein Abbas, M.D., Ph.D., celebrated becoming a U.S. citizen. It was nearly two decades in the making and...