Cord blood provides a life-saving option
The psalmist wrote, "From the mouth of infants and nursing babes, Thou hast established strength." For more than 20 years, from the cord blood of babes, cancer patients have gotten a second chance at life.
Flavio Lopes Ferraz is one of them.
Bone marrow provides the standard of care transplant, but the Brazilian attorney found himself without a viable family marrow donor when he was diagnosed with leukemia...

Counseling provides comfort for mother grieving son's death
Jeanette Sebesta has tackled many roles during a celebrated career as a regional actress in Houston. But recent real-life experience has been...
Caregiver chronicles: Caregiver's needs evolve along with treatment
After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism in Houston, North Texas and Oklahoma, Judy Overton joined MD Anderson in 2008 as...
Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives
Marta Davila, M.D., continues to see the benefits of colorectal cancer screening.
A physician in MD Anderson's Endoscopy Center, Davila recently treated a presumably healthy 52-year-old man who responded to his wife's encouragement to get a colonoscopy.
"The patient kept postponing his colonoscopy appointment because he felt well. He was diagnosed with early stage colon cancer, underwent surgery and is now cured...
You Want Me to Do What?
Exercise Benefits Lung Cancer Patients, Study Shows
A typical patient of Vickie Shannon, M.D., is on oxygen and confined to a wheelchair...
Caregiver Chronicles: The Art of Gratefulness
After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism in Houston, North Texas and Oklahoma, Judy Overton joined MD Anderson in 2008 as...
Fatigue: How to Tackle the Pesky Side Effect
Jerry Wilson claimed a front row seat. Wilson, diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer in 2009, has beaten the disease so far. What he can't...
Caregivers Chronicles: Marking Time and Moving Forward
After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism in Houston, North Texas and Oklahoma, Judy Overton joined MD Anderson in 2008 as...
The Caregiver Chronicles: Angels Surround Us
After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism in Houston, North Texas and Oklahoma, Judy Overton joined MD Anderson in 2008 as...
Caregivers Chronicles: Prickled Skin, Prickled Nerves
After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism in Houston, North Texas and Oklahoma, Judy Overton joined MD Anderson in 2008 as...