Cancer Prevention and Control Platform
Bridging the gap between research and practice
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- Cancer Prevention and Control Platform
MD Anderson has been committed to cancer prevention for more than 40 years and has long recognized that prevention is vital to its mission to end cancer. Research shows that more than half of all cancers are preventable at the population level. Modifying lifestyle behaviors can reduce cancer risk and may reduce the cancer burden by 40%.
Beyond primary prevention, additional lives can be saved by implementing evidence-based screening to diagnose cancer at its earliest and most curable stage. Yet a tremendous gap exists between knowledge and the implementation of effective prevention strategies. A critical step in reducing cancer incidence is effectively deploying evidence-based interventions (EBIs) for prevention at the population level.
The Cancer Prevention and Control Platform (CPCP) addresses the gap between what we know and what we do by translating knowledge into practice. The platform builds the capacity of community-based organizations and clinics to deploy and evaluate EBIs for cancer prevention. The platform’s commitment to collaborating with community and clinic leaders ensures that effective strategies for cancer risk reduction are available for all.
Platform Leaders
Rosalind Bello, M.A., CPHQ®
Director, Research Planning and Development, Health System Strengthening
Stephanie Nutt, M.A., M.P.A.
Scientific Project Director, Impact Evaluation and Public Health Intelligence
Ruth Rechis, Ph.D.
Executive Director ad interim, Cancer Prevention and Control Platform
Jennifer Litton, M.D., MHCM
Vice President, Clinical Research
Ernest Hawk, M.D.
Vice President and Head, Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences
Mark Moreno
Vice President, Government Relations
Focus Areas
The platform conducts its work by deploying a variety of strategies, interventions and initiatives across three focus areas.
Place-based Investments in Health
Investments in high-asset, high-need communities addressing upstream social drivers of health, key risk factors and gaps for medically underserved populations
Health System Strengthening for Cancer Control
Initiatives focused on evidence-based actions critical to cancer prevention, early detection and access to health care services
Impact Evaluation and Public Health Intelligence
Program evaluation services based on data and research best practices to inform all aspects of the Platform’s cancer control initiatives, from delivery to maintenance and sustainability
Platform Features
These features define how the platform works with communities and clinics:
- Implement science: Deploy effective, known strategies that have an impact at the population level.
- Foster multisector collaboration: Create learning environments to foster relationships and build collaboration across sectors.
- Focus on sustainability: Integrate planning for long-lasting positive impact at the outset.
- Establish trust: Build trust through the creation and implementation of a shared vision that reflects the wants and needs of the community.
- Build capacity: Invest in organizations’ ability to deliver and measure the effectiveness of EBIs.
- Measure impact: Ensure that data collection, impact measurement and accountability are integrated into every initiative.
Plaftorm Impact Report
The CPCP Impact Report highlights background, focus areas, acomplishments and future directions of the platform.
If you need a more accessible version of the materials and information provided on these websites, please contact us at
Since 2017, the teams involved in the platform have published their work in multiple journal articles, book chapters and reports. Choose a platform focus area to see the relevant publications below.
Place-Based Investments in Health
- Loomba P, Raber M, Aquino M, Rincon N, Rumfield L, Basen-Engquist K, Rechis R. Enhancing food access in a comprehensive cancer center area of influence through local partner capacity building. Cancer Medicine. (2024).
- Love B, Coffman R, Ghosh C, Cofer J, Hurst A, Oestman K, Aquino M, Kriss L, Shah M, Dermid G, Raber M, Hawk E, Walsh M, Rechis R. Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-level, Place-Based Tobacco Prevention and Control Program at a Minority-Serving Institution in Texas. Prevention Science. (2024).
- Love B, Ghosh C, Kriss L, Vieco-Garcia M, Fick H, Shin E, Wager J, De Luca D, Dermid G, McDonald L, Caballero E, Oestman K, Coffman R, Aquino M, Adams T, Gardiner H, Rechis R. Building and Maintaining a Whole Community Initiative: Health Communication in Practice with Be Well Communities™. Health Communication, 1–9 (2024).
- Love B, Ghosh C, Oestman K, Aquino M, Coffman R, Shah M, Dermid G, Rechis R. Understanding the impact of community-based sun safety interventions on a college campus in Texas. Journal of American College Health, 1–8 (2024).
- Oestman K, Rechis R, Williams P. et al. Reducing risk for chronic disease: evaluation of a collective community approach to sustainable evidence-based health programming. BMC Public Health 24, 240 (2024).
- Rechis R, Oestman K, Walsh M, Love B, Hawk, E. Be Well™ Acres Homes: a community-driven, evidence-based approach to reduce health inequities through sustained cross-sector partnership. Cancer Causes Control (2023).
- Tran T, Song S, Texeira A, Rechis R, Nelson K. Educational interventions to promote sun-protection behaviors in adolescents in the United States: A systematic review. Pediatric Dermatology, 1-5 (2023). doi: 10.1111/pde.15335
- An evaluation of aligning systems for health in Texas: What works, for whom, and under what circumstances for advancing health equity? Comprehensive report. Texas Health Institute (August 2022).
- Community Outreach and Engagement: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center case study. National Cancer Institute. (2022).
- Raber M, Rechis R, LaRue D, Ho-Pham T, Oestman K, Walsh M, Kizub D, Ma H, Galvan E, Zhao H, Gonzalez XL, Hu J, Basen-Engquist K. Enhancing the utilization of healthy living interventions among cancer survivors in historically underserved populations and communities. Cancer Causes Control (2023).
- Raber M, Robertson M, Le T, Gatus L, Rechis R, Oestman K, Basen-Engquist K. Patterns of home cooking practices among participants in a behavioral weight loss program: A latent class analysis. Appetite, 184 (2023). 106504,
- Lee C, Robertson M, Johnston H, Le T, Raber M, Rechis R, Oestman K, Neff A, Macneish A, Basen-Engquist K. Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Worksite-Weight-Loss Program for Cancer Prevention among School-District Employees with Overweight and Obesity. International Journal of Environmetal Research in Public Health. 20:1 (2022).
- Lee C, Robertson M, Servino K, Le T, Raber M, Oestman K, Basen-Engquist K. Impact of COVID-19 on a worksite weight loss program for employees with overweight and obesity. Obesity Science and Practice. 1-9 (2022).
- Robertson M, Lee C, Wu I, Liao Y, Raber M, Parker N, Le T, Gatus L, Basen-Engquist K. Changes in physical activity associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with overweight and obesity: an interrupted time series analysis with historical controls. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 45:2 (2022).
- Robertson M, Raber M, Liao Y, Wu I, Parker N, Gatus L, Le T, Durand C, Basen-Engquist K. Patterns of self-monitoring technology use and weight loss in people with overweight or obesity. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 11:8 (2021).
- Rechis R, Oestman K, Caballero E, Brewster A, Walsh M, Basen-Engquist K, Gershenwald J, Tektiridis J, Moreno M, Williams P, Treiman K, Garza P, Hawk E. Be Well Communities™: Mobilizing communities to promote wellness and stop cancer before it starts. Cancer Causes & Control, 2021,
- Liao Y, Robertson M, Winne A, Wu IHC, Le TA, Balachandran DD, Basen-Engquist K. Investigating the within-person relationships between activity levels and sleep duration using Fitbit data. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 11:2 (2021).
- Robertson M, Green C, Liao Y, Durand C, Basen-Engquist K. Self-efficacy and Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Adults Participating in a Worksite Weight Loss Intervention: Multistate Modeling of Wearable Device Data. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 29:4 (2020)
- The Practical Playbook II, Building Multisector Partnerships That Work, Michener JL, Castrucci, Bradley DW, et al. Section V, Sustainability and Finance: Supporting Partnerships over Time, Chapter 38, “Case Study: BUILDing Ties with the Business Community.” Katherine Oestman, Rosalind Bello, Catherine Chennisi and Anna Brewster.
- Aiyer J, Raber M, Bello R, Brewster A, Caballero E, Chennisi C, Durand C, Galindez M, Oestman K, Saifuddin M, Tektiridis J, Young R, Sharma S. A Pilot Food Prescription Program Promotes Produce Intake and Decreases Food Insecurity. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(5) (2019).
- Noelle K, LoConte NK, Gershenwald J, Thomson C, Crane T, Harmon G, Rechis R. Lifestyle Modifications and Policy Implications for Primary and Secondary Cancer Prevention: Diet, Exercise, Sun Safety and Alcohol Reduction. Published in the American Society for Clinical Oncology 2018 Conference Educational Book, Chicago, IL. (June 2018)
- Improving Health Through a Sustainable Food System: North Pasadena, Texas. Harris County, Texas BUILD Health Partnership: Evaluation Report. (December 2017).
Health System Strengthening for Cancer Control
- Bednar E, Rauh-Hain J, Garcia J, de Aguinaga N, Powell M, Peral S, Nitecki R, Jorgensen K, Rudy N, Lu K, Leath C, Scarinci I. Experiences of Family Communication and Cascade Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer in Medically Underserved Populations–A Qualitative Study. Cancer Prevention Research. 2023;
- Bello R, Walsh M, Harper B, Amos C, Oestman K, Nutt S, Galindez M, Block K, Rechis R, Bednar E, Tektiridis J. Foxhall L, Moreno M, Shete S, Hawk E. Creating and Activating an Implementation Community to Drive HPV Vaccine Uptake in Texas: The Role of an NCI-Designated Cancer Center. Vaccines., 20:11 (2023).
- Bednar E, Chen M, Walsh M, Eppolito A, Klein M, Teed K, Hodge B, Hunter J, Chao H, Davis D, Serchion W, Yobbi C, Krukenberg R, Jenkinson S, Moore J, Garcia C, Gonzalez F, Murray T, Nielsen L, Ho B, Haas M, Greenzweig S, Anderson A, Johnson C, Morman N, Bowdish E, Wise E, Cooper J, Kefalas Russ J, Tondo-Steele K, de Gracia B, Levin B, Mattie K, Zarnawski K, Kalasinski M, Stone J, O’Brien C, Bream A, Kennedy AM, Paul R, Bilbao M, Romero M, Carr R, Siettmann J, Vercruyssen A, Leon K, Arun B, Grainger A, Warshal D, Bowman E, Goedde T, Halaharvi D, Rath K, Grana G, Mina L, Lu K. Outcomes of the BRCA Quality Improvement Dissemination Program: An initiative to improve patient receipt of cancer genetics services at five health systems. Gynecologic Oncology, 172 (2023).
- Bednar E, Harper B, Walsh M, Rechis R, Bilbao M, Carr R, Eppolito A, Goedde T, Grana G, Levin B, Mattie K, Morman N, Rath K, Russ P, Siettmann J, Warshal D, Wise E, Yobbi C, Lu K. Implementation and Outcome Evaluations of a Multi-Site Improvement Program in Cancer Genetics. Journal of Genetic Counseling. (2022)
- Bednar E, Nitecki R, Krause K, Rauh-Hain J. Interventions to Improve Delivery of Cancer Genetics Services in the United States: A Scoping Review. Genetics in Medicine, 24:6 (2022).
- Bednar E, Sun C, McCurdy S, Vernon S. Assessing Relatives’ Readiness for Hereditary Cancer Cascade Genetic Testing. Genetics in Medicine. (2020)
- Cohen S, Bradbury A, Henderson V, Hoskins K, Bednar E, Arun B. Genetic Counseling and Testing in a Community Setting: Quality, Access, and Efficiency. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book: Cancer Prevention, Hereditary Genetics, and Epidemiology (2019).
- Hinchcliff E*, Bednar E*, Lu K, Rauh-Hain J. Disparities in Gynecologic Cancer Genetics Evaluation. Gynecologic Oncology (2019). *equal contribution
- Bednar E, Sun C, Camacho B, Terrell J, Rieber A, Ramondetta L, Freedman R, Lu K. Dissemination of the universal genetic testing initiative to a diverse, indigent patient population at a county hospital gynecologic oncology clinic. Gynecologic Oncology, 152:2 (2019).
- Bednar E, Walsh M, Baker E, Muse K, Oakley H, Krukenberg R, Dresbold C, Jenkinson S, Eppolito A, Teed K, Klein M, Morman N, Bowdish E, Russ P, Wise E, Cooper J, Method M, Henson J, Grainger A, Arun B, Lu K. Creation and Implementation of an Environmental Scan to Assess Cancer Genetics Services at Three Oncology Care Settings. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27:6 (2018).
- Roberts M, Dotson W, DeVore C, Bednar E, Bowen D, Ganiats R, Green R, Hurst G, Philp A, Ricker C, Sturm A, Trepanier A, Williams J, Zierhut H, Wilemon K, Hampel H. Delivery of Cascade Screening for Hereditary Conditions: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Health Affairs, 37:5 (2018).
- Bednar E, Oakley H, Sun C, Burke C, Munsell M, Westin S, Lu K. A universal genetic testing initiative for patients with high-grade, non-mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer and the implications for cancer treatment. Gynecologic Oncology, 146:2 (2017).
Initiative Acceleration
- Jemima J, Kaleemullah T, McPherson H, Mahata K, Morrow R, Bujnowski D, Johnston A, Danho M, Siddiqui N, Walsh M, Haley S, Sirajuddin A, Schauer T, Wu M, Rechis R, Galvan E, Correa N, Browning N, Ganelin D, Gonzalez J, Lofton S, Banerjee D, Sharma S. Building and Advancing Coalition Capacity to Promote Health Equity: Insights from the Health Equity Collective's Approach to Addressing Social Determinants of Health. Health Equity. (2021)