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- Diagnosis & Treatment
- Care Centers & Clinics
- Internal Medicine Center
Cancer treatment shouldn’t stop because of side effects or health issues like diabetes or arthritis. That’s why we have the Internal Medicine Center.
The center helps care for patients’ overall health and addresses common side effects that occur during and after care. It also helps treat medical conditions besides cancer and their interactions with cancer and its treatments.
In addition, the center operates a number of specialty clinics that deal with specific conditions or aspects of cancer care.
Immunotherapy toxicity webinars
The side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors can impact different parts of the body and interrupt treatment. The Internal Medicine division is hosting a webinar series to help patients identify and manage these side effects. Register below.
Conditions we treat:
- Allergies
- Arthritis and rheumatology problems
- Benign hematology disorders
- Bone disorders and bone loss
- Heart disease and other cardiac problems (in cooperation with the Cardiopulmonary Center)
- Dermatologic issues related to drug and treatment reactions
- Diabetes
- Endocrine and hormone problems
- Fatigue
- Geriatric issues, including bone loss, memory loss, dementia and mobility problems
- Immune system diseases
- Infectious diseases and disease prevention
- Liver disease
- Kidney problems
I had so much more clarity and peace of mind. I didn't have to spend valuable time and energy coordinating between doctors' offices and medical records and labs to get everything taken care of, and I knew my doctors were truly working together as a team.
Dianna Ray
Need Directions?
The Internal Medicine Center has two main locations: in the Main Building, Floor 9 near Elevator A; and in the Mays Clinic, Floor 6 near Elevator U.
Get directions to and around MD Anderson on the MD Anderson Directions app, available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
Becoming Our Patient
Get information on patient appointments, insurance and billing, and directions to and around MD Anderson.
Clinical Trials
MD Anderson patients have access to clinical trials offering promising new treatments that cannot be found anywhere else.
MD Anderson Resources
Infectious Diseases, Infection Control & Employee Health Department
Pulmonary Medicine Department
Benign Hematology Section
The Pulmonary Medicine department at MD Anderson is home to the Interventional Pulmonology and Benig...
Nephrology Section
The Nephrology section at MD Anderson Cancer Center specializes in patient care and research for dis...
Prevention & Screening
Many cancers can be prevented with lifestyle changes and regular screening.
Contact Us
The Internal Medicine Center business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
713-792-2340 (Current patients, Main Building)
713-563-7100 (Current patients, Mays Clinic)
877-632-6789 (New patients)
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