MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors adds 16 new members

Business and community leaders nationwide join efforts in Making Cancer History®

MD Anderson News Release 10/31/13

The MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors (BOV), a board of volunteers dedicated to advancing the initiatives of  The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, welcomed 16 new members at its annual business meeting Oct. 30:

  • Durga D. Agrawal, Ph.D., Houston
  • Lee Barberito, Covington, La.
  • George ‘Alex’ Bernhardt Sr., Lenoir, N.C.
  • William R. ‘Bill’ Bush, Chicago, Ill.
  • David A. Cockrell, Houston
  • Alfred L. (‘Al’) Deaton III, Houston
  • Rosalind (‘Roz’) Redfern Grover, Midland
  • The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison, Dallas
  • Jed R. Manocherian, New York, N.Y.
  • Martha W. Murphy, El Dorado, Ark.
  • Leslie Rainbolt-Forbes, M.D., Oklahoma City, Okla.
  • Ashley S. Rankin, Dallas
  • Robert C. Robbins, M.D., Houston
  • Ida Clement ‘Weisie’ Steen, San Antonio
  • Rabbi Alvin M. Sugarman, Ph.D., Atlanta, Ga.
  • Sam L. Susser, Corpus Christi

“I’m proud to welcome this outstanding group of new members, each of whom brings a wealth of talent and expertise to the board,” said Harry J. Longwell, BOV chair, of Dallas. “BOV members serve as
MD Anderson ambassadors in their home states across the nation and contribute immeasurably to the success of the institution’s initiatives. Their collective support will be a huge asset as we raise awareness of MD Anderson and work together in Making Cancer History®.”

Joining Longwell as BOV officers for Fiscal Year 2014 are:

  • Chair Elect ― Melvyn N. Klein, Corpus Christi
  • Vice Chair ― James J. Mulva, Houston
  • Immediate Past Chair ― Nancy B. Loeffler, San Antonio
  • MD Anderson President ― Ronald DePinho, M.D.

Since the board’s inception in 1957, BOV members have played a significant role in MD Anderson’s mission to eradicate cancer by helping raise funds, awareness and support for the institution, said DePinho.

“I salute each of these exceptional business and community leaders who have committed their time, talents and resources on behalf of MD Anderson,” he said. “The BOV’s relentless support has helped create a place of hope for cancer patients around the world.  It’s enabled decisive research and education that will have a positive impact on the health of future generations as we endeavor to put cancer in the history books.”