How to use acupressure points to relieve headache, nausea and anxiety
Acupressure is an ancient practice from traditional Chinese medicine. It can seem mysterious because the theory is based on pressure points and energy channels in your body that you cannot see.
Acupressure uses the same framework as acupuncture. But acupressure does not use needles. You can do acupressure on yourself using only your fingertips.
We talked to MD Anderson acupuncturist Michael Spano to find out more about acupressure...

How to cut empty calories
If our weight loss expert had to give you one tip to help you achieve your healthy eating goals, it would be this: Avoid empty calories.
Are moles cancerous?
Almost everyone has at least one mole, and you may already regularly check your moles for signs of change.
That’s a good idea since...