BIA-ALCL study shows multi-team treatment key to achieving best outcomes
A team of researchers from across five disciplines at MD Anderson recently published the largest prospective study on breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), shedding light on the best treatment for patients with this uncommon cancer.
“This study underscores the critical importance of a standard treatment approach with a multi-team evaluation,” says Mark Clemens, M.D., the senior author of the study...

ASCO: Updated targeted therapy clinical trials results continue to show improved outcomes for advanced colorectal and bladder cancers
Updated results from two MD Anderson clinical trials presented at the 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting indicate...
ASCO: Developing effective combination therapies for leukemia
Findings from three studies led by researchers at MD Anderson suggest that new combination therapies are safe and effective against various...
ASCO: Emerging targeted therapies show signs of clinical activity across multiple cancer types
Julia Pitts tried all the standard treatment options with her local physicians after she was diagnosed with metastatic uterine cancer in 2015. When they were no longer effective, she decided to seek out clinical trial options at MD Anderson.
Her cancer had mutations in the KRAS gene, which made her a candidate for an investigational targeted therapy called sotorasib, or AMG 510, which blocks the mutant KRAS protein. After roughly...

ASCO: Studies show advances in treatment and understanding of BRCA-associated and triple-negative breast cancer
Mutations in the BRCA 1 or 2 genes significantly increase an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer, as well as several other cancer...
Larotrectinib shows marked responses with NTRK gene fusions, limited response in non-fusion mutations
In an analysis of three clinical trials, the targeted therapy larotrectinib resulted in a 79% overall response rate and median overall survival...
Ovarian cancer analysis identifies potential treatment biomarkers
MD Anderson researchers have identified potential biomarkers for the response of high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSC) to surgical resection...
Chemotherapy/immunotherapy combination thwarts glioblastoma in pre-clinical research
Triple combination therapy kills glioblastoma in mice by putting an “eat me” signal to the immune system on the surface of the brain tumor...
Immunotherapy combination stifles pancreatic cancer in mouse models
Combining two immunotherapies caused tumor rejection in mouse models of pancreatic cancer and provided long-term immune memory that prevented...
Triple-negative breast cancer clinical trial allies with community oncologists
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that makes up roughly 15% to 20% of breast cancer diagnoses. Standard chemotherapy...