MD Anderson surgeons pioneer organ-sparing therapy for esophageal cancer
Until recently, patients with esophageal cancer were treated with esophagectomy, or removal of the affected part of the esophagus and surrounding lymph nodes, followed by reconstruction. Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia, which carries a substantial risk of progressing to cancer, was treated the same way. However, esophagectomy leads to significant lifestyle changes, including diet limitations and an inability to sleep horizontally...

A first-line therapy’s success in treating rare mantle cell lymphoma
Two new clinical trials at MD Anderson are taking aim at mantle cell lymphoma – a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Most mantle...
Preventing bone loss in cancer patients
Chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, various cancer drugs and even cancer itself can weaken patients’ bones, leading to cancer-related...
Old surgical guidelines getting a fresh look
Patients who undergo surgery are recovering faster and getting discharged sooner thanks to MD Anderson’s enhanced surgical recovery programs (ESRPs).
The ESRP approach includes skipping routine preoperative bowel preparation, using minimally invasive surgical techniques when possible, using goal-directed fluid therapy, minimizing the use of opioids in pain management, limiting the routine use of tubes and drains, and encouraging...

New Drugs for myeloproliferative neoplasms ease suffering and extend life
A new class of drugs has redefined treatment for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms by easing their symptom burden while extending...
Examining side effects specific to each targeted drug
The main side effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy are notorious. But the side effects of newer, targeted molecular agents are less well known...