The time is now to support
As government funding and grants dwindle, philanthropy becomes more essential for developing new prevention strategies and novel treatments. Fundraising groups find creative ways to raise money, for example, through cattle auctions. They also educate the community by supporting programs such as Too Cool to Smoke.
BOV member grateful for patient experience
In the event of a war, you want Nancy Loeffler on your side. Even more so if the war’s on cancer.
- Caring, committed MD Anderson ambassadors
Creative fundraiser finds himself a patient
Sitting just a few blocks from
MD Anderson in the apartment they temporarily call home, Glynda and J.P. Schroeder share the ironic story of how their most recent battle with cancer has come full circle.
- CCR beneficiary: Mike Jaggers
- Easing the burden and honoring compassion
- Video: Coming full circle
Family's inspiring legacy continues
Regina Rogers’ middle name must surely be Love. The Beaumont, Texas-based philanthropist, lawyer and community activist embodies the word, from the hugs she dispenses with every hello to the hands-on programs she oversees for the benefit of thousands each year.
Award recognizes outstanding employees
- Video: Julie and Ben Rogers: A legacy of love
Students learn dangers of smoking
Jeanette Lastrape is often called the queen of tobacco prevention. Since 2000, the health education specialist has earned her reputation by informing residents in Houston and surrounding areas about living a smoke-free lifestyle.
Epigenetics: Righting the course of disease
Taiping Chen, Ph.D., started reading medical research in college while pursuing a master’s degree in immunology in his native China. He hasn’t stopped, but now he’s writing it, too. And he hopes his research will right the wayward course of genes that form disease.
- Researchers benefit from country setting
Halliburton fellowship aids prevention efforts
Infographic: MD Anderson's Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences is included on the list of charities and causes to which Halliburton employees can donate through payroll deduction.