Prostate biopsy explained: Process, recovery and results
A prostate biopsy is a procedure that helps diagnose prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland found only in males and is part of the reproductive system.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males. It’s also one of the most treatable cancers since it’s usually caught before the cancer has spread. Here, I’ll answer common questions about prostate biopsies.
Why would my doctor order a prostate biopsy?Your doctor...

Bone marrow biopsy explained: Process, pain management and results
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9 things to know about breast biopsies
Getting a breast biopsy? You might be wondering what it is and how it works.
A breast biopsy is a diagnostic procedure in which a doctor...
After rectal cancer diagnosis, horse trainer is back in the saddle again
As a horse trainer, Trey Bullinger spends hours in the saddle every day. That’s why he blamed hemorrhoids when he noticed blood in his stool.
“Moving up and down on a horse can do that to you,” he says.
But Trey would soon learn that the bleeding was caused by rectal cancer, not hemorrhoids.
Rectal cancer symptoms provide a wake-up call
Trey’s story starts like that of many rectal cancer survivors. He...

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Triple-negative breast cancer survivor finds hope with clinical trial
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"I’d been...
Bond built during breast cancer treatment inspires survivor to volunteer
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Because its symptoms are often vague, ovarian cancer can be hard to diagnose. And a definitive diagnosis requires a biopsy, which is best...
Mom, daughter face breast cancer 15 years apart
In the early 2000s, Virginia Plett watched her mother and aunt successfully undergo breast cancer treatment at MD Anderson. So when the Kansas...
Familial adenomatous polyposis monitoring, Whipple procedure gave my husband more time
When he was 15, my husband Jesse underwent a colectomy, a procedure that removed his colon. Jesse opted to do this after learning that he...